May 6, 2019
In this episode Mike and Dr. Nima Mehran discuss all things ACL related. We cover what the ACL is, how its most commonly injured, to get surgery or not to get surgery, the pros and cons of different graft options, what early and late rehab looks like, and most importantly ACL injury prevention strategies. Dr. Nima...
May 6, 2019
In this episode Jon and Craig discuss what its ultimately like to be a physical therapist working in the NFL. Jon shares his journey regarding how he ended up with the LA Rams, what its like to treat professional athletes, what his job entails, and some of the daily challenges he faces. Jon also sheds light on how...
May 5, 2019
In this episode Dr. Alex Weber and Craig discuss what the shoulder labrum exactly is, common injuries and how they occur, labrum surgery and rehab, and it's relationship with the biceps long head tendon. All of this is covered in addition to a few live questions from Instagram that were answered related to the...
May 5, 2019
In this episode Mike and Dr. Nima Mehran discuss all things related to the meniscus. They cover meniscus function and anatomy, different types of meniscus injuries, when to repair or remove the meniscus, meniscus rehab, and the burning question that everyone has…do you need to have surgery for a meniscus injury?
May 5, 2019
In this episode Dr. Okoroha and Arash Discuss Hip Pain, FAI Syndrome, Conservative and Invasive interventions, in addition to answer a few live questions from Instagram. Dr. Okoroha is an Orthopedic surgical fellow at rush university where he provides high level sports medicine care to his patients and...